Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I didn't wanna

I have been in a I don't want to mood today, but I sort of overcame it :) I really wanted to just sit and enjoy the book I'm reading. But I have been thinking to myself lately, what is my dream job? What do I really want to do? Well I have several dream jobs and one of them is to be a writer, but not just a writer. I want to be published, repetitively :) So I decided if that I wanted to do that then I needed to fight the mood.
Right now I'm not at a point where I'm writing/aka making a word count go up. I'm at a point with my current WIP and my next WIP that requires work, but not just writing the story. I'm coming up with scene ideas for my next wip and I need to get together a synopsis and a query letter for my current WIP. I'm also sending out D3 of my WIP to get feed back from beta readers and letting those responses and D3 sit and stew for a while.
What did I do today to deal with both of the above paragraphs? Well I separated out chapters 11-21 of D3 for emailing to my beta readers, I summed up my bare bones of ch. 1 & 2 into a couple beginning paragraphs for the synopsis, I basically dry outlined chapters 3 & 4, and I picked out names for all but one of my known characters in my next WIP. See, I was productive :) Not that anyone else in my life will think much of it, but it all took about one to one and half hours of time! See, I told you so! lol, ok, I'm wishing you productivity and the ability to fight the mood of I don't want to!

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