Thursday, February 18, 2016

Second Draft and Short Stories

So I'm on a second draft and I don't know how to stop. I read through the draft, made notes and then from the beginning, I started editing. Unlike previous works, I did a very detailed outline before draft one and it served me well in D2. I didn't have a lot of plot to fix. So I started shaping paragraphs and now I'm doing more nitty gritty. By gritty, I mean I'm doing lots of find it searches for words I know I use over much and for other "lazy writing" such as I saw, I felt, I heard... And so on. But I'm wearing thin. In the past second drafts I just did a go through and stopped when I got to the end. There was no nitty gritty until  at least draft 3, probably more like 4. I have Googled the snot out of second drafts but to be honest there just isn't a lot out there about it and knowing when to let it sit. So I'm going on instinct. I think I'm going to let it go, give it to my beta reader and breathe. It sure doesn't help I'm feeling the itch to get back to some unfinished stuff :)

As for short stories, last night I decided I needed to enter a contest and/or submit to publish a short story. I'm hoping to get some feedback on my writing or get something short published. This morning I was more realistic and acknowledged this is not an easier path to publication than the one I'm on. It is just a different path. But may be, just maybe I'll take a gander, meander a little ways, at least until where the path curves and I can see what's around the corner.
Never give up.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Beyond the Writing

Just like every other writer, I have a life beyond my writing. So here's a flash:
Bullet journaling?!?? More question marks for a reason. I've just heard about this and I'm going to try it, emphasis on try. Here's the thing, I'm not good at journaling, but bullet journaling is different. From what I've read, it's basically making you're own very personalized planner that is also a journal... Of sorts ;) I'm going to try it because I've sort of been doing this, but all spread out. I have the calendar on my phone that I use for appointments and things of that nature. I usually write a list of things I'd like to accomplish daily. I have a white board I fill out every week with my weekly schedule + goals for the week/tracking generi. Tasks( did I give the dog her pill today? Did I wash hockey gear yet?) I have a list on my phone of books I'd like to read. I've got pics on my phone of books I saw in the store that I'd like to read. So you see, I'm all spread out. Calendar-wise I like this because I feel like the more I write stuff down the less likely I am to forget. But I really like the idea of looking back and seeing that I have been productive or maybe that I haven't and it will kick start me. I'm afraid I'm just adding one more step, but may be not. May be it will work.

I've been busy with life! And it's stopped me from writing. I've been visiting/socializing and my girls naps have been happening when/where I'm not able to write.

Friday I spent the day looking out for the dogs that attacked one of my heifers, getting meds for said heifer(who's name is Luna!) and then trying to treat her unsuccessfully. Today was a success so I'm feeling better about her.
I'm on at least my third week of obsessively trying to watch all the reruns I can of The Big Bang Theory.
My wee girl has been sleeping like crap! So I'm not sure why I'm here and not asleep. I need to go to sleep.
That is all!

Monday, February 1, 2016


Breaks happen, sometimes by choice and sometimes not. I often fall behind on writing when my husband is home after traveling for work. There always seems to be so much to do and that is on top of enjoying my time with him. In this case it didnt hurt me like it sometimes does. Sometimes guilt overwhelms me. And then I feel guilty for feeling guilty! And sometimes it hurts because I wasn't writing. It's not about the lack of productivity, it's because I need to write. But this time it was ok to take a break. And today I sat back down and worked on a d2 and it felt good. I know it's not perfect and I know it's not "done" but it still felt good. For the first time I'm considering handing over a 2D to a reader. I have never done that. It's always been D4. Brave new world! Stepping out on a limb! Living on the edge! :) sorry, gotta little crazy there.
Keep on!