Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I realized while writing yesterday that I’ve been a little afraid. I’ve been lazy too, but a little fear has been there that I didn’t recognize until now. I’ve just gotten into an exciting part in my second to last chapter and I realized I was afraid of it. I’ve also realized I’m afraid of the rest of this chapter and the next. There is some very important stuff happening, climax, conclusion, etc. This is scary stuff. I’ve seen other authors say that when they get to this point of their book they get fanatical about finishing. Food must be shoved down their throats; they must be carried to bed, etc. Well, I’m not one of those people! Lol, I will say I’ve also been lazy(I was afraid until today that this month would be like last, little writing first half and lots of writing second half, but I managed to catch up to my word count goal for the past few days) and a little busy too, what with Easter weekend having just happened. Besides being busy with Easter weekend, hubby was home and I must admit he is a bit of a block when it comes to writing. Sometimes I just get so distracted with being with him and doing out of the ordinary stuff(aka not just sitting at home all day with my whole day revolving around baby) that I don’t want to even try to write. But Easter’s over and I’ve seen my fear, so I do believe I can climb this mountain. How about you, what are you afraid of? Not in general, but right now. Nothing? I hope so :)

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