Sunday, November 21, 2010


Not willingly I assure you. Life has taken over and writing and querying and blogging has taken a backseat to it. I may have mentioned it but again, I don't have internet at my new place :( I have truely missed it! So here's a recap of what you've missed this past week:
1. Got sick Fri. night.
2. Moved on Sat.
3. Spent Sunday on the couch sleeping.
4. Started a new job on Monday.
5. Worked, unpacked and took care of baby for the remainder of the week.
6. :( I've queried 5 agents by email and gotten 3 rejections, 1 out of office, and 1 we received your query and will respond within the next 6 weeks if we like it :(
This next week at work will be the next big learning step for me and I'm not done unpacking and cleaning our new place, so writing and querying will probably take the backseat for another week. Oh, plus there's Thanksgiving! Yay, I love Thanksgiving! Anyways, I will be scarce in blogging for a while which makes me sad, but I can't afford internet right now(because even though I actually live closer to town, I'm considered living in the boonies.) Makes no sense! Ok, I"m off to explore the 'net :) ....Oh, one last question for me? Where am I at right now that I have internet? Sunday dinner at the in-laws :)

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