Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Success despite stress

So last Monday I started sleep training my 10 month old. She sleeps pretty good at night but I held her the whole time for her naps. I finally got selfish and decided I wasn't going to hold her for 3-4 hours a day! And so the nightmare began. After 5 days it finally started to straighten out on the road to where I want us to go. In the past two weeks I finished draft 3 of A! I may not have done the second half enough justice, but too late now. Too late because I handed over to my beta reader. I am anxiously awaiting her thoughts! In the mean time I can go back to WIP R. I'm letting it marinate a few days, keeping it on the front burner, to get back on track. I had actually stopped at a sticky point for me. I'm really hoping the break will have proved to be a blessing.
Keep on!

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