Sunday, April 3, 2011


Family, beautiful weather, a mud puddle...What more could one ask for? This has been a lovely day to begin healing a stressful past two weeks. I'm still working on my book, slowly but surely. I"m at a point now where I'm worried I won't make an acceptable word count by the end of the first draft. I'm shooting for at least 60,000 + words, but right now at about 9 chapters I've only got 29,000 words and about 7 more chapters planned. I started taking a look at my current outline so far but haven't found anywhere to add in a few more chapters aka words. I'm going to take a hard look at the outline of what I"ve got so far and what I've got to go and see what I think. At this point, I"m thinking it's going to be a shoot for the moon and reach the stars. I figure(a word which I can never pronounce correctly) that by the end, I will have a first draft of my second book which is quite an accomplishment in and of itself. Then I will do just like I did with my first book's second draft and that's a major overhaul. Of course with my first book, I reached about 70,000 words by the end of the first draft. Oh well, I know from the great advice of the Dames over at Deadline Dames and several other of the authors I stalk "cough, cough* follow that every book is different. Possibly not hitting 60,000 at the end of this book will just have to be one of those differences. Can you tell I'm trying to keep positive? Is it working? Do you have to ask? Well, lets just say that for someone who is a bit high strung, it's working as well as can be expected. Anywho, I am off to covort about on the internet. Have a good one and keep writing!

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